Father’s House (화더스 하우스)는 하나님 아버지께서 모든 사람들을 아버지께 다가올 수 있게 함을 원하시는 마음에서설립 됐습니다.  그러므로하나님의 말씀이 나눠지고 아버지의 아들들 과 딸들이 휄로쉽을 하며 아버지께 드리는 친밀한 경배를 통해 하나님 아버지의 사랑을 경험하고 접한 후 아버지의 사랑을 모든 사람들에게 나누어 주길원하십니다.

Father's House was birthed out of God's desire to draw His people closer to Him. Through the intimacy of worship, sharing of His word, and fellowship of His sons and daughters, God wants to impart His love so that we may tangibly experience and carry it to the world.

쟌 & 미쉘 박 목사 부부는 여러 언약의 말씀들 과 인도하심으로 부르심을 받아 순종함 과 충실함으로 2005년 3월에 Father’s House (화더스 하우스)를 Diamond Bar, CA에 창립했습니다.  2007년에는 Father’s House (화더스 하우스)는 Chino, CA로 이전을 했습니다.  그러나 2016년에는 주님께서 쟌 & 미쉘 박 목사 부부 마음에 확신을 주셔서 섬기던 교회를 Tyrone & Julie Williams 부목사부부에게 맏기고 사역을 Los Angeles의 한인 타운으로 옮겼습니다.   한인 타운으로 옮기기 전에는모든 예배는 다민족 예배로 드려졌습니다.  2025년 1월 첫예배부터는 Norwalk, CA로 이전했습니다.

Pastors John and Michele Park have been faithfully following and obeying this Call on their lives through a series of divine appointments and events which led to the launching of Father's House in March 2005, in Diamond Bar, CA.  Father’s House moved its facilities to Chino, CA, in 2007.  In 2016, the LORD impressed upon Pastors John & Michele to pass the church to their associate pastors, Tyrone & Julie Williams, and move their ministry to Korea Town in Los Angeles.  Until the move, the congregation was multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, English speaking.  The church moved to Norwalk, CA, in January, 2025..

창립부터 멤버 와 참석자들은 하나님 아버지의 사랑 과 선하심을 경험하고 여러 구원 과 치유 와 축사 와 화해 와 복구를 성령님의 행 하심으로 경험했습니다.   Father’s House (화더스 하우스)는1996년에 창립 되어 전 세계에 30,000 이상의 교회 network (네트워크) 로 성장 된 세계적인 네트워크 Harvest International Ministry (세계 추수 선교회)의 한 멤버입니다.

Since its inception, members and attendees have tasted the love and goodness of God through many salvations, healings, deliverances, reconciliations, and restorations that occur at Father's House through the power of the Holy Spirit. Father's House is a part of Harvest International Ministry, an international network of churches founded in 1996, with more than 35,000 churches worldwide.

저희는 저희의 모든 삶에서 말 과 행동으로 저희의Statement of Faith 를 확실히 믿고  사역의Values 를 나타내고 있습니다.  그러므로 저희가 기도하기로 당신도 주님을 더욱 친밀히 알고 주님의 끝없는 사랑을 경험하므로 저희 Father’s House (화더스 하우스)를 통해 주님이 주신 은혜를 간증하길 축원합니다.

We firmly hold our Statement of Faith and Values as foundational in everything we do, say, and live. We pray that you may come to know Him more intimately, experience His everlasting love, and testify what He has done for you through the ministry of Father's House. [Please click here for our Vision Statement.]

저희 교회에 주일, 또는 수요일 과 금요일 저녁 예배 및 여러 모임에 방문하셔서 하나님 아버지, 하나님 예수님, 하나님 성령님을 함께 경배하며 항상 같이하시는 강한 성령님의 임재와 아버지의 사랑을경험하므로 왜 Father’s House (화더스 하우스)가 여러분이 참여해야하는 장소인가 확인하십시오

We invite you to come and join us for a wonderful time of worshiping the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in our Sunday morning services, Wednesday and Friday evening services, and Father's House of Prayer meetings, marked with the strong presence of the Holy Spirit and His tangible love for us, to find out why Father's House is a place for you.  

저희의 Statement of Faith, 사역의 Values, 비젼,  목표, 및 membership (멤버쉽)에 대한 정보를저희 website로 다운로드 받으십시오.   추가 정보는 이멜 (email)을Info@FathersHouseMinistries.org 로 보내 주십시오.

For a compilation of our Statement of FaithValues, Vision, Goals, and information about our membership, we invite you to watch our New Member's Class video.  For more information, please email Info@FathersHouseMinistries.org.