In Father’s House of Prayer, we focus on ministering to the LORD by seeking His face, His mind and His desires through praising and worshipping Him, listening to Him, praying back what we have heard, and praying the Scriptures.  We believe that His Body will have the power and the resources to do the work of God to transform each member, each neighbor, and each community only through the intimacy with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, Father’s House of Prayer promotes and fosters the freedom in worship to express the passion we have for the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  His worshippers are invited to join us in worshipping Him with the freedom to express one’s love for Him through thanksgiving, praise & worship, prayer, contemplation, reading of His Word, prophetic expressions, and enjoying the presence of the Holy Spirit under open heaven.

화더스 하우스 기도의 집은 주님의 얼굴을 바라보며 모든 정성을 다하여 주님의 생각 과 원하심을경배 와 찬양 및 주님의 음성을 듣기를 원하며 주님의 주신 말씀을 주님께 다시 기도 드리며 추가로성경의 말씀을 기도 드리므로 추구합니다.  화더스 하우스가 믿고있음은 주님의 몸 된 저희가 하나님 아버지와 하나님 예수님 과 하나님 성령님과 친밀함을 유지함으로 저희 개인 및 이웃 과 사회를변화시키는 힘을 갖을 수 있다입니다.  그러므로 화더스 하우스 기도의 집은 아버지 와 예수님 과 성령님께 자유롭게 저희의 경배의 열정을 표현하길 추구합니다.  주님을 사랑하고 경배하는 여러분께서 저희와 같이 주님께 향한 사랑을 감사함, 경배 와 찬양, 기도, 묵상, 말씀 독서 및 낭독, 예언적 나타남 과 표현, 그리고 열린 하늘 아래에서 성령님의 임재를 기뻐하므로 저희와 같이 마음껏 표현하시길 초청드립니다.


(모든 행사는 마지막 시간에 변동이나 취소 가능함을 이해 해주십시오)

(All events are subject to last-minute changes or cancellation.)


Please visit our service times webpage for scheduled meetings and contact Pastor Michele Park (Pastor of FHP) for more information or meeting times.

예배시간 webpage를 방문해 주시고 추가 내용 및 모이는 시간은 미쉘박 목사 (화더스 하우스 기도의 집 담당 목사) 에게 연락 주십시오.