Father’s House(화더스 하우스)는 Missions & Outreach를 통하여 가난한 이웃을 도우며 나가서는 Mexico 외 International 단기 선교로 주기적으로 섬기며 Los Angeles Mission과 Hope For Homeless Youths와 같이 homeless ministry로 봉사합니다.
매월 4째 토요일은 Crossway/ACT와 함께 Los Angeles Mission에서 노숙자 분들을 섬깁니다.
Missions & Outreach of Father’s House ministers to the needs in the community, serve with various short-term missions to Mexico and other international destinations, and Homeless ministry is in conjunction with the Los Angeles Mission and Hope For Homeless Youths.
We minister to homeless every fourth Saturday in conjunction with ACT and Los Angeles Mission.
이웃과 단기 선교를 위한 유통 기간 남고 상하지 않는 음식물, 옷 (새 옷 및 깨끗한 헌 옷), 학용품, 기독교 서적 등 offering & donations은 주기적으로 받습니다.
We receive offerings and donations of non-perishable, non-expired food items, clothing (new & clean used), school supplies, Christian books, and other items that could help the poor in the community and for short-term missions.
Outreach Prayer Ministry
Helping the Needs - Outreach
Helping the Needs - Outreach
Clothing, Shoes, School Supplies
Helping the Needs - Outreach
Helping the Needs - Outreach
Helping the Needs - Missions
Helping the Needs - Outreach
Helping the Needs - Outreach
Helping the Needs - Outreach
Helping the Needs - Outreach
Helping the Needs - Outreach
Preaching & Prayer - Missions
Ministering - L.A. Mission
Preaching & Prayer - Missions
Helping the Needs - Outreach
Preaching & Prayer - Missions
Preaching & Prayer - Missions
Outreach Prayer Ministry
Outreach - Food & Preaching
Outreach - Food & Preaching
Caring of Children - Mission
Preaching & Prayer - Mission
Preaching & Prayer - Mission